Welcome by APCYS 2022 Host

Asia Pacific Conference of Young Scientists (APCYS) aim to promote and encourage young students to be curious in science and embark on scientific research.

The 11st Asia Pacific Young Scientists Conference (APCYS 2022) to be held on December 2-4, 2022, organized by the Fo Guang University, Asia Pacific Youth Exchange Development Association and New Taipei City (Taiwan), Sakha Junior Science Academy (Yakutsk Russia), and Center for Young Scientists (Indonesia). Due to the unclear worldwide situation of COVID-19 and in commitment to the security of the participants, the Committee has decided to hold the APCYS 2022 by VIRTUAL conference mode.

We are pleased to invite APCYS members to send a delegation composed by the secondary school students with 13-19 years old and team leader to attend the APCYS 2022. The projects could be individual or maximum 2 students per project, in the categories of Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Life Science and Environmental Science. All presentations (Poster and Oral) of research works will be examined by the panel of International Jury members. Looking forward for your participation.
Best regards,

Dr Chao-Ming Fu, Vice-President of Fo Guang University, Taiwan
Dr Vasilii Pavlov, Principal of Sakha Junior Science Academy, Yakutsk, Sakha Republic
Dr Monika Raharti, Director of Center for Young Scientists, Indonesia

Monika Raharti, Ph.D.
Executive President & Co-Founder

Prof. Chao Ming Fu, Ph.D.

Dr. Vasili Pavlov